Are you in the pre-stage of type 2 diabetes or do you think you have pre-diabetes?
Diabetes is becoming more common and the symptoms are very specific.
In this article you will learn the 11 symptoms of type 2 diabetes and how you can reverse them with a couple of simple and healthy tricks.
Do you have type 2 diabetes? All the symptoms of type 2 diabetes
There are quite a few people on earth who have been struggling for some time with certain complaints but have no idea what the symptoms mean.
They are often symptoms that are linked to many diseases. These signs can therefore mean several things.
Most symptoms of type 2 diabetes fall in the same lane as many other diseases or are one of those common complaints. Think of complaints such as being tired, having a headache or even weight loss/gain.
Also, not everyone experiences the clear cut symptoms that are associated with type 2 diabetes. Sometimes you have to see the whole picture of a disease for everything to falls into place.
However, type 2 diabetes has many typical symptoms. Especially the combination of many symptoms indicates that you have type 2 diabetes. When you experience these symptoms, it is wise to go to a doctor for a fasting blood sugar test to determine whether you have type 2 diabetes or not.
There are specific diabetes blood values that can be tested. So you know after one simple test if you have type 2 diabetes or not. The symptoms of type 2 diabetes are the same for both children and adults.
Many similarities between the symptoms of type 1 and 2
The symptoms of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are pretty similar. The difference is that the symptoms of type 2 diabetes only become apparent after a longer period of time. This allows people to have type 2 diabetes for a long time without knowing it.
A small yet significant difference between type 1 and 2 is that a type 1 person can accidentally experience ketoacidosis which can result in a coma.
Purpose of this article
Have you been walking around with the feeling that you have this disease? Then it is good to read the blog below. In it I will give you a list with 11 symptoms and signs of type 2 diabetes in both men and women.
If you experience a number of them, it is a good idea to consult a doctor. You will also learn how to reverse this disease with a type 2 diabetes-friendly diet.
#1 Frequent urination
It may not be the best tip to start with, but it is the most recognizable and usually the first symptom that arises. Type 2 diabetics have to urinate often.
You may wonder:
What happens to the body of patients with adult-onset diabetes?
Because the body can no longer absorb the glucose from the blood, a lot of glucose (sugar) remains circulating in the blood. But the body wants to get rid of those excess sugars.
Normally your urine should be sugar-free.
But because the blood contains many glucose molecules, the kidneys are no longer able to stop the glucose.
A portion of that glucose therefore ends up in your urine.
The problem also is that glucose attracts water. So the kidneys will pass more fluids than usual to your bladder. This will cause you to urinate larger volumes and more frequently.
#2 Being thirsty
And this is the direct result of symptom #1.
Think about it... what automatically happens when you have to urinate a lot? Your body loses lots of water of course.
This is an important mechanism because there is no other fast way to get rid of the excess sugars (besides a healthy lifestyle or medication). The problem is that your body needs lots of water to run this mechanism.
Water is in fact the main component of the human body. The percentage fluctuates between 55 and 60 percent. Men have a slightly higher percentage than women.
When the body loses lots of water by urinating frequently, it signals that you have to start drinking more. In other words:
You will get thirsty
And that's a good thing too. It is a natural reaction of our body. If it wasn't, then we might end up dehydrated. Which is very unhealthy and dangerous.
#3 A dry mouth
A dry mouth and thirst go hand in hand. So this again is an expected consequence of symptom number 1 and 2.
A dry mouth feels very uncomfortable. The tongue will also feel dry regularly. The inside of your mouth will be sticky and swallowing is more difficult than usual.
With a dry mouth, it is also more difficult to eat. Dry food will be particularly difficult to consume. If this persists, other oral problems can occur.
Other oral problems that can occur are:
But what is the explanation for this dry mouth?
When there is too much sugar in the blood, fluids are extracted from surrounding tissues. Your body wants to dilute the blood and reduce the sugar concentration. Unfortunately, the side effect of this process is that your mouth because dry.
#4 Being tired as one of the symptoms of diabetes
Feeling tired is a symptom that can occur with many diseases. When you only experience this symptom, it can indicate many other things.
But nowadays the change is highest that you have developed type 2 diabetes. Especially if you are over the age of 40.
This can lead to a feeling of fatigue both directly and indirectly.
It can also occur in combination with headaches and dizziness.
With type 2 diabetes, the body becomes insensitive to insulin and because of this, glucose cannot be absorbed by our cells and thus continues to circulate in our blood.
The indirect effects can be caused by too much stress. For example, if you experience a lot of stress because you have type 2 diabetes, it can also cause fatigue. Fatigue is therefore one of the most important symptoms of type 2 diabetes.
#5 Varying vision (changes in sharpness)
Blood sugar level also influences the eye's lens. With type 2 diabetes patients, the blood sugar level fluctuates a lot. This also means that the sugar level in your eye's lens changes.
Important information
The refraction of the eye's lens appears to be decisive for spectacle strength. Because the sugar level in the lens changes, its refractive power also changes, which means that the strength of the lens and visual acuity can also vary.
In ordinary human language, it means that when your sugar level changes, your vision changes. This is something that can often occur with diabetic patients. This is not something serious, but it is very impractical. Blurred vision makes life a lot more complicated.
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#6 Retinal abnormalities
Diabetes is the most significant cause of blindness worldwide. It is thus a major complication of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Diabetes causes damage to the small blood vessels in our body. These are also called capillaries. The capillaries are incredibly small and this is precisely why they get damaged.
With diabetes, many glucose molecules (sugar particles) circulate in the blood.
These sugar particles eventually remain stuck in the capillaries and thereby damage them.
The capillaries in our eyes can bleed easily and therefore cause small scars.
These abnormalities can be present without vision impairment, so without any complaints. This retinal abnormality is called: diabetic retinopathy
When the damage takes place in the macula it impairs your vision and you can't see as well. It is important to check this occasionally because the damage gets progressively worse with time. Retinal abnormalities are therefore one of the symptoms of type 2 diabetes.
#7 Slow-healing wounds
Many symptoms of type 2 diabetes have to do with the so-called 'small capillaries'.
These capillaries are located everywhere in the body. And because of this, type 2 diabetes can also cause damage everywhere in the body.
One of the symptoms is badly healing wounds!
It all starts innocently. Small blood vessels and nerves can be damaged by adult-onset diabetes.
No oxygen can be released to the surrounding tissues and metabolic waste cannot be carried away. This is because the capillaries are blocked. Due to the damage to the nerves, you will feel little or nothing at all. As a result, you will not easily notice a wound. This process of nerve damage is also called neuropathy.
From bad to worse if your diet is not good
When you have a wound and the blood vessels are crystallized, the wound cannot heal properly. The wound can start to get inflamed and it can become an ulcer. With these symptoms of type 2 diabetes, you have to go to the doctor immediately. Not only do these wounds occur faster but they will also heal less quickly.
Sometimes it is not possible to treat the wounds properly and they will have to amputate a toe, foot or even a leg. But let's not get ahead of ourselves because this only happens in the final stage of type 2 diabetes.
#8 Weight loss
This is one of the symptoms of type 2 diabetes that most people have no problems with. It is also a symptom that will progress gradually in type 2 diabetes. Although sometimes the weight loss happens suddenly.
Most people who develop type 2 diabetes are overweight.
Usually this is the case because you have eaten too many unhealthy sugar-rich product for a very long time.
This makes your body insensitive to the hormone insulin.
And it just so happens that unhealthy sugars/carbohydrates are the main reason for developing excess weight.
And I'm not just talking about soft drinks, cookies and sweets, but also about pasta, potatoes, rice and bread. These carbohydrates also ensure that the sugar level in your blood rises.
Then, insulin is delivered to the blood to transport these sugars to the body cells. Here glucose is used as an energy source.
The onset of type 2 diabetes
But when you eat sugars day in and day out, your body will no longer react to this insulin hormone and therefore hardly any sugar will be absorbed by the cells — thus resulting in excess sugars in your blood.
Lose weight by eating unhealthy sugars?
This way you can lose weight. The body can no longer use sugar as an energy source.
You can lose weight in a short amount of time, even when you're eating enough.
This symptom is more pronounced with people that have type 1 diabetes. After all, they make no insulin at all and therefore cannot use sugars as an energy source.
With type 2 diabetes mellitus, the chance exists that you only lose weight when you have had the disease for years without knowing that you are ill.
#9 Feeling sick
With diabetes, not only do the blood vessels get damaged, but the nerves do as well.
This is a type 2 diabetes symptom that often only manifests itself after years of illness.
When the nerves of the stomach movement no longer work properly, the speed at which food enters the gut from the stomach also changes every time. This causes gestational problems.
The medical word of this condition is gastroparesis. Diabetes mellitus is the most common cause of gastroparesis.
Gastroparesis Checklist
As you might know now, people with diabetes have an increased blood sugar level. Over time, this damages the vagus nerve, one of the most important nerves of the gastrointestinal tract.
As a result, they experience one of the symptoms of type 2 diabetes such as:
#10 Itching
People with diabetes have skin infections more often than people without diabetes.
The cause of this is not entirely clear. But it could be caused by an increased glucose concentration in the skin.
The skin is also perfused with small capillaries which means that the skin also has an increased glucose concentration. This makes it a good 'breeding ground' for bacteria and yeasts.
An example of this is:
This causes, among other things, infections in the mouth, around the genitals, in the skin folds and at the cuticles.
This is accompanied by itching.
In the case of itching, specific 'itching nerves' are stimulated in the skin.
The ends of these nerves are located on the border of the epidermis and the dermis (first and second layer of the skin).
Itching can be so annoying that it can lead to insomnia. With diabetes often local itching occurs because of Candida Albicans.
#11 Recurring infections
Not only do infections often occur on the skin as described above. But infections also occur in the bladder. And I am talking about female patients in particular, as they are more prone to bladder infections than men.
"In women with diabetes, bacteria attach three times better to the cells of the bladder wall than women without diabetes."
Every time a woman makes love with a man, bacteria get into her bladder. This is very normal. Healthy women rinse them away by urinating.
Important information
This is more difficult for women with diabetes because the bacteria stick easier to the cells of the bladder. The chance that a diabetic patient gets a bladder infection is much higher, and they also recur more often.
With diabetic patients, the white blood cells, which generally eliminate these bacteria, have more trouble coming to the location of inflammation: "the bladder." As a result, the necessary immune response can't get where is wants to be. In other words, the bacteria are not eliminated.
Reverse the symptoms of type 2 diabetes
These were the most important symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Fortunately, you don't have to live with these symptoms anymore!
Recently it has been discovered that it is possible to reverse type 2 diabetes. And you can find everything you need to do this in your local grocery store.
You can reverse type 2 with one powerful principle. It's something I call"The Diabetes-Free Secret". I have written a number of pages about this secret that will change your life forever. You will learn:
Enter your e-mail address below, and I will send you the E-book for free.
Ben Kuiper
PS: what were your first symptoms of type 2 diabetes? What did you do about it? Leave a comment below