All Posts by Ben

About the Author

Ben Kuiper is a pharmacist and an expert in the field of type 2 diabetes.

Low Carb Breakfast Recipe with Egg & Italian Sausage (in the Oven)

Breakfast , Low Carb Recipes

Low-Carb Breakfast Recipe with Egg & Italian Sausage (in the Oven)

Sometimes you fancy a low-carb breakfast which is a bit more than a boiled egg or bowl of yogurt. That's nice... but what can you make?

Making a tasty low-carb breakfast can be quite a challenge. Because if you don't want/can't eat bread or pancakes, very little remains. Your low-carb breakfast ideas quickly run out.

Fortunately, I have a delicious recipe for you here with pesto, cheese, stock and spicy sausage.

Wonderful to make for yourself (and your family) on the weekend - especially if you want to spoil everyone... including yourself, of course.

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Healthy Low Carb Fries Recipe (Easy & Fast Recipe)

Diner , Low Carb Recipes

Healthy Low-Carb Fries (Easy & Fast Recipe)

Eating fries when you have type 2 diabetes (or want to eat low-carb) is impossible.

No product is unhealthier than fries if you want to improve your diet. And pretty much everyone on Earth knows that fries are anything but healthy.

Fortunately, this doesn't mean you can't eat fries for the rest of your life.

Here I give you my recipe for low-carb fries. Both delicious and healthy! This way you can still enjoy your 'fries' without sacrificing your health.

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Low-Carb Fish Casserole (Dinner Recipe Without Potatoes)

Diner , Low Carb Recipes

Low-Carb Fish Casserole (Recipe Without Potatoes)

Are you looking for a tasty and healthy low-carb fish casserole that can make the whole family happy?

Then I have the ideal recipe for you here.

This low-carb fish dish is easy to make and tastes delicious. In addition, it contains an ideal combination of nutrients that makes you very saturated.

This will only benefit your blood sugar and weight. Why? Because it prevents you from feeling hungry later in the evening.

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